Dafne x Dealer/Pacino puppies

Dual-sired standard poodle puppies born June 29, 2024
6 red boys, 2 red females

There might be a couple of boys available! You can submit an application online below, or contact us to discuss terms and application if interested in a puppy from this or future litters.

There are three separate photos. The first is a lovely apricot standard poodle sitting upright on a log. The second is a dark red standard poodle laying on a wood floor. The third is an apricot standard poodle standing on the leaf-littered ground outside.

Pups bred for health and temperament with show and service dog prospects.
Click on the photos below for further information about each dog.

Apply here!


Dam: CH Jaset Steadfast Dafne at Arreau NTD NS
An apricot poodle stands for her show win next to her handler in a black dress. The judge on the left smiles at the dog and is holding a red ribbon.


Sire: MBPIG Can.Ch.Rebelstar Where There’s Smoke There Is Fire
The photo is of a stunning red standard poodle standing upright in a puppy cut. The handler stands behind the poodle and is a woman with blond hair wearing a white jacket and skirt. The judge is on the left; a man wearing a black suit jacket and grey pants, holding the prize ribbons. There is a flower pot with purple flowers next to him, and in front is a sign that reads "Best Puppy Best of Breed".


Sire: Celebrity’s Dealer’s Choice
A dark red standard poodle is laying on a wood floor. He is wearing a shiny black collar.


Contact info@steadfastdogs.com | 780-920-7744